MS-01: The Final Push Begins

The NRCC posted a big list of expenditures in Mississippi today, just days before this hotly-contested special election comes to a close on Tuesday:

  • $151,000 on an ad buy

  • $17,500 on media production

  • $7500 on phonebanking

  • $35,000 on direct mail

  • $4400 on polling


  • $63,000 on media buys

  • $13,500 on literature

  • $14,500 on media production

  • $7000 on field organizing

Total spent:

NRCC: $1,273,145 &nbsp|&nbsp DCCC: $1,742,121

Will you do your part to bring this race home on Tuesday?  The DCCC has set up a virtual phonebanking center for Travis Childers.  It’s fun and easy.  Let’s do this thing, people.

24 thoughts on “MS-01: The Final Push Begins”

  1. that last ad from davis to be the “nuclear”(MOST NEGATIVE) ad; IF the last ad from childers is a positve ad, that is a GREAT sign for our side; also, notice ANOTHER nrcc expenditure on “polling”(anyone here know from the childers camp if the davis side is push polling? i really can’t think of any other reason for a poll a day by the other side)

  2. Politico

    The Republican is running neck-and-neck with Democrat Travis Childers. Most GOP members, aides and operatives acknowledge that the most recent polling suggests Childers has a slight edge in a predominantly Republican seat, and that those numbers remain unchanged despite heavy adverstising by both sides.

  3. My instinct is that they have been doing a day-to-day tracking poll as they also all seem to be for $4,400 if memory serves so doing like the 300 people per day and taking a moving 3-day average thing.  Partly because it is hard to believe that we have not heard of any push-polling going on and we have Trent Thompson on the ground.  The huge media buy kinda worries me as if I am correct about the tracking poll theory, the trend may have turned and so they see a chance for a come-back at the finish line with this final money push

    Wow I hope I am wrong and will certainly do my part and help out with some virtual phone banking.  I tried to find a place to do it with the LA-6 race but couldn’t find it anywhere.

  4. Vito’s resigning in 72 hours, says Congress Daily.


    I know that 72 hours has been floating around, but then something came up saying he has nothing planned for the weekend.  Well, for what it’s worth, more reassurance.

    And just like a cherry on top of all this: Adultery is illegal in Virginia.

    1. While I’ve been bombarded with robo-calls from W, freedom’s watch, Davis, etc. I’ve yet to be polled a single time, push or otherwise.

  5. Given the level of desperation we’re probably seeing from the GOP, what’s to stop a few diehard Republicans from using that virtual phonebanking center to call up people and give them bad information about Childers?  Or am I just being paranoid after Rush’s Operation Chaos?

  6. I’ve seen a lot of dollars for phonaebanking from the Republicans, but not nearly as much on field organization compared to the Dems. Are they not going door to door or what?

    1. i sent you an e-mail at your thorn papers g-mail account with an idea for the childers campaign; can you let me know if you have received it? thanks

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